Gottesdienst an Dalmanutha
Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world visit Tabgha daily to pray at the site of the miracle of loaves and fishes and to admire the Byzantine mosaics.
Masses for Pilgrims
Pilgrim groups have the opportunity to celebrate the Eucharist right on the shore of the Sea of Galilee:
- Up to 100 pilgrims can be seated under a shady roof, around a covered outdoor altar at “Dalmanutha I”.
- “Dalmanutha II”, also covered by a roof, has space for a group of 30 people.
It is possible to reserve Dalmanutha for your group for one hour at the following times:
► from Monday to Saturday 9 a.m., 10 a.m. or 11 a.m.,
► and Monday to Friday also at 3 p.m. or 4 p.m..
Please contact us as early as possible, either directly or by way of your local travel agent.
Discussions and Conferences
To live the life of a monk in the Holy Land and at a well known pilgrimage site is to us a gift but also a calling. Part of our ministry to pilgrims is to share with them our manifold experiences at Tabgha. It is possible to combine a guided tour of the premises with a talk/lecture.
We ask that you or your travel agent make contact with us in advance, if you wish to take advantage of this possibility.